Government Department

Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Resources

Our primary industries operate across our lands and coastal areas, and in the agriculture, minerals and energy sectors. They are major economic drivers with significant potential to generate employment opportunities and wealth for all Territorians.

The Department of Primary Industry and Resources collaborates with diverse industry stakeholders to support our primary industries. We achieve this through:

  • Our research functions on land, in laboratories and waterways
  • Extension activities, founded on extensive scientific evidence and research programs
  • Policy development across plant, animal, aquatic and resource sectors
  • Tenured ministration as the basis for all mining and petroleum activity


We recognise the importance of Aboriginal and regionally-based business development, as well as the need for sustainability. We also continue to work with various stakeholders to establish the Northern Territory as Australia’s natural gateway to global markets.

Project Stocktake

View some of the collaborative climate projects that NT DPIRD are involved in:

NT DPIRD Resources

Please visit the NT DPIRD website for a more extensive list of resources:
