Government Department

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment is ​Tasmania’s lead natural resources agency, responsible for the sustainable management of the State’s natural and cultural heritage and the integrity of the racing industry for the benefit of the Tasmanian community.​​

We help build a strong and economically vibrant State, driving Tasmania’s competitive strengths across primary industries and the environment. Our current priorities are to:

  • Drive the sustainable development of Tasmania’s marine and freshwater resource
  • Protect and support Tasmania’s primary industries and food sectors
  • Secure a healthy and productive environment for all Tasmanians
  • Protect and manage Tasmania’s world renowned national parks and reserves, and Crown lands, to enrich our community
  • Realise the value, use and enjoyment of Tasmania’s Aboriginal, natural and historic heritage
  • Deliver access to secure land tenure, land and resource information

Project Stocktake

View some of the collaborative climate projects that Tas DPIPWE are involved in:

Tas DPIPWE Resources

Please visit the Tas DPIPWE website for a more extensive list of resources:
